Wednesday, January 18, 2006

More Detailed Proof of God


Peter Corless
Web/Internet Consultant, Game Designer, Author, Owner, Green Knight Publishing
Mountain View, CA
650-906-3134 (mobile)

Q: Did Isaac Asimov predict the future science of applied memetic sciences, calling it psychohistory, in the Foundation Trilogy?

A: Yes. The sciences of applied memetics underlies economic sciences, marketing research, political and social sciences. Game theory is being applied to problem-solving domains to create predictive future scenarios, from war games to peace games. A form of proto-science of psychohistory is being used to predict optimal future human interactions. We already have a large body of sciences to predict human behavior. We are merely lacking some of the grand unifying theories, or we are ignoring the actual theories discovered centuries and millennia ago because they are lost in the rhetoric of philosophy and religion. That does not invalidate their scientific truths, but many who are supposedly-rational minds have a cognitive dissonance to look back in history or into the face of religion and acknowledging the facts within the mythopoetry.

Q: Is there mathematical proof that God actually exists which even Pythagoras, Aristotle, Albert Einstein and 99.99999% of humanity would nod in agreement with?

A: Yes. It is eminently simple to prove God exists. What is amazing is how easy the math is, and how it was so apparent to Greek mathematicians long before the Age of Christ.

Definition of God

C´ = "God"

C´ —(A)—> ∞ —(Ω)—> C´

Proof of God

1. Things exist.
At the most fundamental level, it is arguable whether anything truly exists, get for the sake of the proof, we shall deal with the hypothesis that things exist, because we see so many of them. The true nature of things can await a later analysis. Even if we see that things are an illusion, an illusion is still a thing, and therefore it is. Ergo, "things exist" can be our first axiom for rational discourse.

T = Set of "Things"

X = "Existence"

X of T = True

2. Everything exists because of a cause.

C = "Cause"

3. An implicit cause lays behind the instantiation of any thing, whether in the world of reality or in the realm of possible ideals.
If there was no reason for something to exist, whether beautiful, true, positive, rational, and whole, or even if irrational, negative, ugly, false, and divisive, then it would simply not exist. All things exist for a reason, whether we have observed the existence of a thing or whether it remains unobserved, whether we understand the reasons or fully understand them. When there is no reason continued existence, things cease to exist in the real world, though they continue to exist in the plane of eternal ideals, because they had been, or could be again. See the "Sundial" argument of Cicero, or the "Watch and the Watchmaker" of more recent centuries. Also see Plato for the difference between the world of the real and the world of the ideal.

t = any one element of T

If t,

Then C(t) ("there is a Cause of t"),
Instance of t in eternal ideal world = True
And possible instance of t in real world = True

4. If there was no cause for each and everything to exist, it would not exist.

If C = Ø, then

t = Ø,
and instance of t = False

5. There is a Prime Cause behind all things and all causes.

C´ = "Prime Cause"

6. The Prime Cause leads to everything.

C´ —> ∞

6. The Prime Cause is still the source for all things and all subsequent causes regardless of all simple and complex paths of causality.
One specific cause is the Prime Cause, from which all others causality and all other products of causality emanates. Regardless of simplicity or complexity of inheritance or graph of causes, C´ remains the ultimate source of all causality. If something we observe and believe to be the prime cause is not the ultimate source of all causality, then it is simply replaced by whatever truer cause is the cause of all things, ad infinitum, until we arrive at the true Prime Cause. However, until human understanding comprehends the possibility, it is still mathematically obvious that all things exists for a unified reason at the ultimate end of all other reasons.

C´ —> t1 (The prime cause is the direct cause of t1)
C´ —> C´´ —> C´´´ —> t2 (the prime cause leads to other causes that lead to t2)

7. Human linguistics assigns many names to the Prime Cause.
Regardless of what we call it, whether a mathematical symbol or a poetic or profane construct, we can assign a semiotic representation to the Prime Cause of all things, which, for convenience's sake, we can call "God" in English, or "C´" as a mathematical term.

C´ = "God", "Allah", "Yahweh", "YHWH", "Jehovah", "Jah," "El", "Elohim", "Theos", "Deus", "Dios", "Dio", "Gott", "Dieu", "ShangDi", "The Creative Principal", "The Creator", "The Prime Cause", "The Supreme Being", "I", "I AM", "The Big Guy" ...

8. The Prime Cause is the cause of creation of all things, which leads to the creation of all things through the creative principle.

A = Alpha, or creative principle

C´ —(A)—> instance of ∞

9. The Prime Cause is the cause of the destruction of all things, which leads everything back to the Prime Cause through the destructive principle.

Ω = Omega, or destructive principle

∞ —(Ω)—> C´

10. Therefore God is the Alpha and the Omega of all things.
The Greeks were not Christians nor Jews, but they clearly believed in the mathematical clarity of the existence of God.

C´ —(A)—> ∞ —(Ω)—> C´

There are definitely conundrums. For if there was a watch and watchmaker argument, what created God? What created the Creator? What was the cause of the prime cause?

This is answered by the rational that God is, always was, and always will be. His instantiation is ∞ in both the real and ideal worlds, across all time, space, and scale, microscopic to macroscopic.

Even if we prove "God" was invented, thus did not always exist, this is a "false God," or more rightly, a false interpretation of God.

The only way for causality to exist is if there is some grand unifying theory of power and force beyond what we would see as "real world" causality that we allow to exist which leads to the existence of everything else. There is an ideal creative force from which everything, ideal and real, emanates, and to which, everything returns when it is destroyed.

Perhaps I have not searched far enough across the Internet or in books for another Proof of God with as clear and simple terms. The above is my own work, and it is "Copyleft" as of this day, 18 January 2006, 10:10 AM, Peter Corless. Copyleft = "It is all right to distribute, as long as you attribute."

Further Reading (for myself too)

So God's Really in the Details?
see works of:
Richard Swinburne, University of Oxford
Alvin Plantinga, University of Notre Dame
Nicholas Wolterstorff, Yale University


-Peter Corless
650-906-3134 (mobile)

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